Sunday, May 10, 2015

Brave New world chapter 9 questions

  1. Mustapha mind agreed to the plan because he thought that there was sufficant sientific interests in studying these savages
  2. When john watches Lenina sleep he sat there an recited shakespeain poems I think he feels like he's in love he feels so close to her so connected yet so distant

Brave New World chapter 8 questions

  1. Johns upbringing was shit his mother wasn't suppose to have a child an when she did she was disgusted his education cinsited of charcoal words that Linda drew on the wall an a book she has called The chemical an Bacteriological conditioning of the embryo but tit was also a life of brutality of the savages toward him an Linda
  2. Linda doesn't want be called a mother because of her genetics
  3. Linda an John are out casts in malpais 
  4.  John wants to be accepted as a man he wants things to be more fair an he wants Lenina ad his wife
  5. Linda tells John tlhat the other place was a good place a place of happiness a place of cleanliness 
  6.  John has learned the proper way to hate Pope he relates to hamlet by wanting to kill someone an the tepmist by...
  7. Time death an god are emturnal they are forever an most people feel alone in time an death unless the have god
  8. John an Bernard both wants things to be different because they both feel like out casts an they also both want Lenina 
  9. Bernard wants to take John an Linda to London to prove a point yo the director who's treating to ship him off an the possiblitys are true

Brave new world chapter 7

  1. The mesa is like a ship because of the shape an because they both have figure heads
  2. Lenina doesn't like their Indian guide partly because of her programing partly because he smells but also because she can tell he doesn't like her
  3. The city its self is dirty an smelly they have extreme gutter problems kinda like a south american place. The people are like native Americans with some of our society bases. Lenina kinda flipps out about the people an how they act but even more so because she left her soma in the rest house.Bernard is kinda astonished by it but at the same time because of his programing he's not sure what to make of it he was just putting on his alpha show for Lenina
  4. Lenina an Bernard witness a rain ceremony an also a ceremony testing man hood to Lenina it seems like a lower casts seen until the whipping then it became  inhumane an brutaly inhuman
  5. A man hanging from a cross an a legal is what emerged from under ground
  6. John savage is different because he's white blonde hair an blue eyed he wants to be the sacrifice in the rain ceremony to show that he's a man. John is attracted to Lenina an can't Handel looking at her because she makes him blush 
  7.  Linda is the girl from the directors story the girl that went missing. Linda's life on the reservation has been hell. Linda reacts to Lenina in tears an joyfullness for seeing a civilized human again 

Brave New World chapter 6

  1. Being alone is a bad thing because they are programed from day one that they need somebody by their side they ate connected an always have to be connected
  2. Bernard an Lenina on their first date went to Amsterdam to watch the semi-demi-finals of the woman's heavy weight wrestling championship the ocean is important because its where Bernard feels human like us.
  3. Bernard wishes he was free says freedom is being happy in your own way not in everybody else's way...freed for people to be individuals"if I were free-not enslaved by my conditioning"
  4. The date ends with Bernard tired an disheartened by the fact that Lenina doesn't get the individual freedom then he tries to lighten the mood by playing with her breast
  5. Being infantile in this society means that anything an everything they need want or desire they got to have it right away an the only time they think is at work
  6. The director doesn't like Bernard because when Bernards around he gets to comfortable an gives away secrets. The director is warning Barnard about the reservation by accident by reminseing an then warned Bernard that if he opened his mouth he'd be shipped off to Iceland because they aren't suppose yo reminance 
  7. The directors story means that he has feelings that secretly he's like Bernard it shows us that he's bothered by the fact the girl went missing an that he has feelings for her
  8. Helmholtz feelings toward Bernard after he hears the story is he likes him but thinks he's bit of a stuck up pig wayyy to boastful
  9. We learn from the warden that the people who live on the reservation are ment to die there they are looked down apoun because they live like us an that barbaric the reservations are practically prisons surrounded by an instant death eltrical fence an is over populated an wild
  10. Malpais is  in pueblo its the city where all the savages live

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Brave New World chapter 5 questions

  1. Lenina an Henry talk about the smoke stacks an the phosphorous recovery of the smoke stacks an how in death everyone is finally equal. At the crematorium they shot into the air in their plane as a person was being cremated.
  2. Stars are depressing because they track time an time isn't something that wants to be tracked 
  3. Solidarity services are like giant sex pow wows there role is connecting to their god an Bernard fits in by not feeling it

A Brave New World chapter 4 questions

  1. Life for the epsilon minus semi-moron who runs the elevator is extremely dull all he does all day is go up an down in the elevator
  2. The others alphas relate to Bernard by treating him like dog doo an wanting nothing to do with him they look down apoun him 
  3. Lenina goes for a helicopter ride over the city an suburbs an then she goes an plays obstical golf with Henry Foster 
  4. Lenina thinks of the lower castes as lower life forms disgusting to her sinces 
  5. Bernard is the way he is people think because he had alcohol added to his test tube Bernard really wants the world to be less hodity tottie an he also wants lenina
  6. Helmholtz is the way he is because he's to smart for his own good leaving him unhappyl.he wants to be able to express himself differently but because he doesn't know how he doesn't know if he should.  he differs from Bernard because Bernard is homely looking Helmholtz is the most perfect looking alpha 

Brave New World chapter 3 questions

  1. The children play erotically with each other an childhood is brainwashingly rough
  2.  Our world is depicted as...
  3. Games are so complex so that everyone continuous to consume 
  4. Strong emotions are danerous because 
  5. Sexuality is free they brace it an use it I see a lot wrong with it because kids are having sex at 7 but other than that embracing your sexuality is fantastic
  6. Mustapha monds debuncks history with the DHC an his students his part in hostry is he helped get rid of everything that we as 2015ions know today an make it future-eristic

  7. Huxley uses the cinematic technique towards the end of the book by...
  8. Soma is the religion of people a drug they use to lul the passion an understanding of people
  9. People don't age in this society they are kept chemically young old age is abolished